Asheville, NC  •  (828) 505-3434
Open Mon-Sat 9:00 - 5:00

Our Products

Tent - 30' X 60' West Coast Frame

Quantity Needed:

Maximize your event space with this 30'X60' Twin Tube West Coast Frame Tent. Frame tents do not require center poles, which provides optimal space inside the structure. Frame tents are perfect for everyday use and a great for any outdoor party or event. This tent is great for weddings, rehearsal dinners, bridal parties, baptisms and more

Seating Recommendations:

144 people for a sit-down dinner
185 people for a buffet-style dinner
275 people for cathedral (row) seating
300 people for a cocktail party
12 Pole Drapes Required For All Poles

$ 1495.00

Sidewalls Available
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